Children's Ministry

Praying, Teaching, Guiding and Loving your children

Love Listen Learn

LOVE: we love our children and we teach them that God loves them so much He sent Jesus to die on the cross so that we can have God’s very best spiritually, physically, mentally, financially, and socially.

LISTEN: we listen to the Holy Spirit and we listen to our children by encouraging them to pray, participate in the class, and share what is going on in their lives. 

LEARN: we focus on learning about God, using the balance of Grace and Faith.

There is a moment when a child’s eyes light up with the knowledge that God loves them unconditionally and will never leave them or forsake them. All the prayers and all the time spent in preparation are more than worth it for that one moment. That one moment is represented in so many ways… when they reach out to you to pray with them, when they come running to you with the complete assurance that they are safe and loved, when they say with utter conviction that they want to tell all their friends about Jesus, and when they grasp whole-heartedly that the trade Jesus made with us was done out of pure LOVE.

Service Times

Sunday Service

10am EST